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Instagram příručka


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Are you tired of the feeling that nothing is working?

Are you an entrepreneur, self-employed or influencer?

Ať už chcete více sledujích, klientů či prodejů, je třeba rozumět tomu, co vám platforma nabízí a jak její funkce využít ve svůj prospěch.

Nejaktuálnější příručka Instagramu! Předvede vám jednotlivé funkce, prozradí tipy a triky a jak je využít pro váš růst na Instagramu.

Vybudujte si svou značku.
Rozšiřte své publikum.
Těšte se z výsledků.

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Přijde vám, že jste vyzkoušeli již všechno, ale stále se vám nevede získat takové výsledky, jaké jste chtěli?

Trávíte na Instagramu příliš mnoho času a máte pocit, že to nikam nevede?

Nebo vám Instagram přijde matoucí, se spoustou funkcí a vy nevíte, jak je správně využít, aby fungovaly?

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This E-Book has  50 pages of information.

Here you will learn simplified information and the basics for a successful Instagram.  

You will learn, for example, how to take photos correctly, tips on accessories, or how to obtain photos "from the outside".

What to do for clients to find you.

Here you will also find information about hashtags, how to make your work easier and when creating posts, and I will also explain to you what the algorithm is and how it actually works.

The e-book will bring you a basic awareness of the features, how to use them, how to save time and  get exactly what you need from Instagram.

Be one step ahead!

The price of the e-book is

599 CZK / 25 EUR

Improve your visual on Instagram today and enjoy the growing tracked and paid orders that are definitely waiting for you.

After filling out the contact form, you will receive an email with more detailed information about the payment. Subsequently, you will receive an email with a link to this downloadable e-book within 24 hours of crediting the amount to your account.

Want to know more about me, who wrote this e-book? You can HERE

Vylepšete svůj vizuál na sociální síti Instagram již dnes a těšte se

z narůstajících sledujích a placených zakázek, které na vás jistě čekají.

ukazka Instagram Ebooku

Potřebujete vědět víc?

Získejte prvních pár stránek jako náhled do E-Booku, ať nekupujete zajíce v pytli.

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Aren't you completely convinced yet? Check out the reviews below or join us in the Facebook group , where I regularly share news and tips from the world of social media.

DonebyClaire - social media group

Tereza P.

Lecturer ​

I was exactly the type who logged in to Instagram once a month, uploaded three photos and hoped that clients would come. Although I hate to admit it, it is. Thanks to Klárka E-Book and other cooperation, I found out how it all actually works. I'm not afraid of it anymore and Instagram is not my enemy. Yeah .. and I get orders :)

Vegan food blogger

Klára's e-book gave me a lot of new useful information. Definitely worth studying if you want to increase the quality of your Instagram profile and attract new followers. I had no idea the information contained. The e-book is written concisely and concisely and gives you exactly what you need to start your profile. 

Martina V.

Businesswoman ​

I have been using Instagram for my business for several years, so I didn't think it was right for me. However, I decided to buy and I certainly do not regret it. Finally, the essentials are written nicely together and written very legibly for everyone to understand.

Martina V.

Businesswoman ​

I have been using Instagram for my business for several years, so I didn't think it was right for me. However, I decided to buy and I certainly do not regret it. Finally, the essentials are written nicely together and written very legibly for everyone to understand.

Martina V.

Businesswoman ​

I have been using Instagram for my business for several years, so I didn't think it was right for me. However, I decided to buy and I certainly do not regret it. Finally, the essentials are written nicely together and written very legibly for everyone to understand.

Martina V.

Businesswoman ​

I have been using Instagram for my business for several years, so I didn't think it was right for me. However, I decided to buy and I certainly do not regret it. Finally, the essentials are written nicely together and written very legibly for everyone to understand.

Martina V.

Businesswoman ​

I have been using Instagram for my business for several years, so I didn't think it was right for me. However, I decided to buy and I certainly do not regret it. Finally, the essentials are written nicely together and written very legibly for everyone to understand.

Martina V.

Businesswoman ​

I have been using Instagram for my business for several years, so I didn't think it was right for me. However, I decided to buy and I certainly do not regret it. Finally, the essentials are written nicely together and written very legibly for everyone to understand.

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